Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Wes!

Yesterday was Wes's 32nd birthday. We celebrated with the Encalade clan on Saturday and then we also celebrated yesterday.

Abby is saving some cake on her face for later.

Daddy, can I help you blow out your candles?

Last night we went to Cheddars as a family to celebrate. We had a fun time on the way home. The girls wanted to sing "Happy Birthday" to Wes, so we all sang it together. Then Abby stated that she wanted to do it by herself. (Surprise. Surprise.) She sang the monkey rendition. Abby is such a ham. Avery followed with the normal song, and I made up my own tune. Yes, we are pretty goofy.

I made Wes's favorite pie, Custard Pie, in honor of his birthday. I love you, honey! I hope you enjoyed your birthday!

When we were about to drive into our garage we spotted a snake (hopefully, not a harmful one) that quickly slithered into the garage closet. We closed the closet door and stuffed towels underneath the door with tool kits on top. We are hoping that it will die in there. Has anybody else had a snake in their garage? Any ideas of what we should do?

1 comment:

David and Michelle Simpson said...

Naomi- You should be an expert at knowing what to do with snakes...didn't you have all kinds growing up?

I remember having some many snake encounters- the ones in the toilet were the worst :).

Just get a stick and get it out :)